What could racial justice mean for Indigenous women today in Australia?
Human rights belong to all of us, not just women with privilege and power. It’s time for real speak and real actions to match our stated commitment to ending the violence against Indigenous women and girls.

‘Harmony’ is Australia’s hubris
n Australia, Harmony Day consists of celebrating the beautiful tapestry of multicultural Australia with food, as if culture can be flattened to consumption; and the colour orange, chosen to signify meaningful conversations not had.

From Blackbirding To The Palm Scheme: Australia’s History Of Exploiting Workers Of Colour
Australia’s dark bloodshed of people of colour didn’t stop at Aboriginal Australians who, for thousands of years, have called this beautiful country home. Similar and equally terrifying events terrorised people of colour years after the invasion of Captain Cook in 1773.

The Solution Is Prevention: The Ripple Effect Of Incarceration
A wholistic approach to prevention-based support where all services and government initiatives operate in sync and can address the layers of concern (I.E health, education, housing and/or finances) is an ideal means of progress. This support should also be community-led, intersectional, culturally safe, and extend over a lifespan.

Dismantling Techno-racism: How Can We Lessen The Impact Of Racial Biases In Technology?
As a modern Woman of Colour, I have lived through my share of bias, prejudice and systemic racial disadvantages and I’m exposed to these societal hardships every day. Simple tasks like in-store shopping are often not an enjoyable experience.

End of the World
The End of the World was a mosque.
Brothers in freshly pressed white jilbabs, perfumed
necks, congregated in ceremony and symmetry,
tethered to each other on Friday afternoons.